medical battery supplies

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Frequently Asked Questions

① Turn off the device during charging and do not unplug the power source midway through charging.
② Batteries should undergo complete charging and discharging cycles. Avoid using the battery when it is not fully charged or charging when it is not completely discharged to prevent affecting battery life.
③ Avoid deliberate impacts, disassembly, dropping, heating, or short-circuiting.
④ Use dedicated equipment for charging.
⑤Try to avoid using the battery in environments with excessively high or low temperatures.

According to the IEC standards, batteries should be stored under conditions of temperature at 20 ± 5 degrees Celsius and humidity between 65% and 20%. Generally, higher storage temperatures result in lower remaining capacity. Conversely, the same applies in reverse. Storing batteries in a refrigerator at temperatures between 0 to 10 degrees Celsius is ideal, especially for primary batteries. Secondary batteries may lose capacity after storage, but can typically be restored by charging and discharging a few times.

In theory, batteries always experience energy loss during storage. The inherent electrochemical structure of batteries determines that capacity inevitably decreases, primarily due to self-discharge. The magnitude of self-discharge typically depends on the solubility of the positive electrode material in the electrolyte and its instability (prone to self-decomposition) when heated. Rechargeable batteries exhibit much higher self-discharge rates compared to primary batteries. Additionally, different battery types have varying monthly self-discharge rates, generally ranging between 10% to 35%. Primary batteries, on the other hand, experience significantly lower self-discharge, typically not exceeding 2% annually at room temperature. During storage, along with self-discharge, batteries also experience an increase in internal resistance, which reduces their load capacity. This energy loss becomes more pronounced under higher discharge currents.

The approximate values of self-discharge under normal storage conditions are listed in the table below:

| Type | Self-discharge (%) |
| Alkaline manganese dioxide/zinc round cell battery | 2% |
| Zinc-carbon manganese dioxide/zinc round cell battery | <4% |
| Lithium-ion manganese dioxide button cell battery | Approximately 1% |
| Nickel-cadmium/nickel-metal hydride battery | <35% |

We recommend charging for at least 12 hours for the first charge, and at least 5 hours for digital batteries.

Usually, new batteries come partially charged and need to be charged before use. To achieve optimal performance, new batteries or batteries that have been unused for some time require three to four charge-discharge cycles.

Sometimes, during the first charge of a new battery (around 10-15 minutes into charging), the device indicator may show the battery as fully charged. This is normal for “charging batteries,” and you simply need to remove the battery from the device and recharge it again.

It’s crucial to fully discharge and recharge the battery every month. The simplest way to discharge is to use the device until the battery is completely depleted, then recharge according to the device manual.

If you won’t be using the battery for over a month, it’s advisable to remove it from the device and store it in a dry, cool place. During charging and discharging, the battery’s temperature may rise, which is normal. Fully charged batteries naturally discharge over time. To maintain them, ensure they have some charge and recharge them every month or so, ideally keeping the charge level around 50%.

Each lithium battery can be charged approximately 400-800 times. If using an external power source for extended periods, remove the battery to reduce heat and extend its lifespan. Each time you connect to a power source is equivalent to one charge, so avoid repeatedly inserting and removing the power plug while the battery is installed, as this can easily damage the battery.

Regarding digital camera batteries, the charging time is approximately calculated as: charging time (hours) = battery capacity (mAh) ÷ charging current × coefficient 1.2. Charging times vary depending on battery capacity, and the charger indicator light goes off when normal charging is complete. Laptop battery charging specifics are detailed in their respective manuals.

Typically not. During the initial charging of the battery by the device, fluctuations in voltage and current may cause the device to stop charging the battery when it is only partially charged (sometimes more, sometimes less). If this happens, there is no need to worry. Simply remove the battery from the device and recharge it again. New batteries may require several charge-discharge cycles initially. Rest assured, this is normal.

  • The battery is not fully charged, such as insufficient charging time or low charging efficiency.

  • Excessive discharge current leads to reduced discharge efficiency and therefore shortens the discharge time.

  • The ambient temperature during battery discharge is too low, resulting in decreased discharge efficiency.

Among all environmental factors, temperature has the greatest impact on the charge and discharge performance of batteries. The electrochemical reactions at the electrode/electrolyte interface are temperature-dependent, with this interface considered the heart of the battery. A decrease in temperature lowers the reaction rate at the electrodes, resulting in lower discharge current and reduced power output, assuming the battery voltage remains constant. Conversely, an increase in temperature raises the battery’s power output. Temperature also affects the electrolyte’s transport speed: higher temperatures accelerate transport while lower temperatures slow it down, thereby influencing the battery’s charge and discharge performance.

However, excessively high temperatures, above 45 degrees Celsius, can disrupt the chemical balance within the battery, leading to side reactions. Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries experience significant discharge efficiency reduction at low temperatures (e.g., below -15 degrees Celsius), and alkaline batteries may freeze at temperatures around -20 degrees Celsius, drastically reducing their charging rate. Charging at temperatures below freezing (0 degrees Celsius) can increase internal pressure and potentially trigger safety valves to open.

For effective charging, the ambient temperature should ideally range between 5 to 30 degrees Celsius. Generally, charging efficiency improves with higher temperatures, but above 45 degrees Celsius, the performance of battery materials deteriorates, significantly shortening the battery’s cycle life.

If electrical appliances are not used for extended periods, it is advisable to remove the batteries and store them in a cool, dry place. If this is not done, even when the appliance is turned off, the system may still cause the batteries to have a low current output, which can shorten their lifespan.

<1> When charging a new battery, it should be charged continuously for 12 hours.

<2> If batteries are not used for a long time, please pay attention to maintenance. Consider environmental temperature and humidity; avoid storing them in damp places and ensure good ventilation. Keep the batteries partially charged, and charge and discharge them approximately once a month to maintain the charge level around 50%.

<3> Regularly charge and discharge the batteries. If devices are not used for more than a month or if you notice shortened battery life, fully discharge the battery before recharging. Generally, perform a complete charge and discharge cycle at least once a month.

<4> It’s best to turn off devices during charging and avoid unplugging the power source midway. Lithium batteries can typically be charged around 500 times. If using an external power source for extended periods, remove the battery to extend its lifespan. Avoid repeatedly plugging and unplugging the power source when the battery is installed, as this can easily damage the battery.

<5> Avoid deliberate impacts, disassembly, drops, heating, or short circuits.

After a battery has discharged all its stored energy and the voltage reaches a certain point, continuing to discharge will lead to over-discharging. Typically, the cut-off voltage for discharge is determined based on the discharge current. For discharge rates between 0.2C to 2C, the cut-off voltage is generally set at 1.0V per cell. For discharge rates above 3C, such as 5C or 10C, the cut-off voltage is set lower at 0.8V per cell. Over-discharging can lead to catastrophic consequences for the battery, especially with high current over-discharge or repeated over-discharge, which can have a more significant impact on the battery. In general, over-discharging causes an increase in internal pressure within the battery, irreversible damage to the active materials at the electrodes, and even with recharging, only partial recovery is possible, with noticeable capacity degradation.

 When a battery is fully charged and charging continues, it results in overcharging. Due to the positive electrode’s Ni(OH)₂ being mostly converted to NiOOH, the battery voltage reaches its equilibrium value (maximum) at this temperature. Continuous overcharging with a constant external current causes the oxidation of OH⁻ ions, resulting in the production of oxygen gas. The chemical reaction is: 4OH⁻ – e⁻ → O₂ + 2H₂O + heat. The oxygen produced passes through the separator and reacts with the cadmium at the negative electrode: 2Cd + O₂ → 2CdO + heat. This chemical reaction generates a significant amount of heat, leading to an increase in the overall temperature of the battery system. Consequently, the temperature rise causes a rapid increase.

  • Battery with zero voltage or cells within the battery pack with zero voltage.

  • Incorrect battery pack connection, internal electronic component issues, or abnormal protection circuit.

  • Malfunction of the charging equipment with no output current.

  • External factors causing excessively low charging efficiency (such as extremely low or high temperatures).

  1. Battery lifespan degrades after storage and use.

  2. Insufficient charging or failure to charge.

  3. Extremely low ambient temperature.

  4. Lower discharge efficiency, such as during high current discharges where ordinary batteries cannot release electricity due to the internal material diffusion rate failing to match the reaction rate, causing a sharp voltage drop.

  • Battery overcharged, especially with high-rate and continuous overcharging at high currents.

  • Battery subjected to forced over-discharge.

  • Component damage caused by user repairs or modifications to the product structure.

  • Abnormal damage to the product casing and internal components.

  • Visible external injuries, including impacts and abrasions.

  • Other human factors resulting in the battery being unusable.